

Emily, who is 4 years old, painted this afternoon while Kota was took a nap.
She painted about an hour or so, she just loves it!!
She painted 7pictures.

Smile with Elephant ! 「ゾウさん」上手でしょ!?
I love banana!! How about you? おいしそうなバナナでしょっ!

These are her other paintings. 下の写真は他の5枚の絵

top left: "apple and orange" tree. 左:りんごとみかんのなる木

top middle: family with picnic. tallest one is daddy. big round one is me(mommy). next to daddy is daniel. pink one is emily. red one is kota. 上真ん中:家族でピクニック。背が高いのがダディー、太ってるのがマミー、ダディーの横にいるのがダニエル、ピンクがえみり、赤いのがこうた。

top right: House 上左:家

down left: apple trees and blue sky  下左:青い空とりんごの木

down right: Emily said "It's about dinosaur"  下右:「恐竜」がテーマらしい・・・

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