

We moved again.....(It is our neighbor hood though)

It was hot and made us tiered but finally our new place is getting settled.
I guess we like to move every year.......

By the way, we got a package from my parents in Japan last week and some fun things was in the box for kids and me.

I'm okay with American food but I need to eat Japanese food also. So, my parents put some japanese food in the package.

Kids love to playing with new transformer toy from jiji(Grandpa)&baba(Grandma).



1 件のコメント:

Julie さんのコメント...

You guys moved?? I had no idea, some friend I am. Ewan has asked to go to your house a couple times but it's been so busy that we haven't had time. I'll call you and maybe we can come over and see your new house and play for a bit.