Emily started practice to ride a bicycle this week. She've been practicing so hard and she never gave up even she fall off her bike a lot. She still need some help to ride her bike but finally she rode it all by herself! Good job Emily !!
The kids sang "Mary had a little lamb" in Japanese for us tonight. Daniel started taking keyboard class and recently he was practicing "Mary had a little lamb". Emily is interested in playing the keyboard also but she is not old enough to go to keyboard class yet so she is learning how to play keyboard from Daniel. Both of them love to play "Mary had a little lamb" right now. I taught them how to sing "Mary had a little lamb" in Japanese since they love the song so much. It's fun to hear my kids sing or speak in Japanese.
Daniel's kindergarten went on the field trip to the zoo. The children split up with their parents and walked around instead of staying as a group. It was part of cloudy and temperature was 83degree today. It wasn't too bad but it was hot in the sun. Kota fell from the log at the playground and got scratches on his knee and ankle. He tried to cry so hard and he couldn't breath. (poor baby) We enjoyed our first field trip except Kota's sad part. ダニエルの幼稚園の遠足があり、家族みんなで行ってきました。 幼稚園のクラス毎で行動するかと思っていたけど、そうでもなく子供たちはそれぞれの親や責任者と一緒になりすべて自由行動でした。 今日は28度で少し曇り気味だったけど、少しでも太陽が出てくると・・・肌がじりじりするのがわかる天気でした。(私のように黒い髪の毛は5分も帽子をかぶっていないと頭がとても熱くなって耐えられなくなる、ブライアンには決して分からない熱さです) こうたが動物園の中にある公園の丸太で遊んでいて落ちて足に怪我をして大泣きしすぎで呼吸ができない状態で泣いていました。かすり傷よりも少し深めの傷でそれほどたいしたことはなかったけど彼にとっては痛くて痛くてしょうがなかったみたい。 こうたの怪我以外は楽しい遠足でした。